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Mommy Makeover
Before & After Photos

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Patient Details

Case #1812

This 57-year-old mother of 2 children was unhappy with the loose, flabby-looking skin and muscles in her abdominal area, a common concern that many post-pregnancy women want to correct. She also wanted to restore symmetry to her breasts, which tend to flatten and sag significantly as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding. When she met with Dr. Andrew Smith, she discussed her options for both a tummy tuck, right breast reduction and breast lift at his Orange County practice. This patient was impressed by Dr. Smith's commitment to personalized care and felt confident that he would help her attain her goals.

It is not unusual for mothers to undergo both a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and breast lift simultaneously, often called a Mommy Makeover nbsp;to achieve a more desirable post-partum figure. In this patient's surgery Dr. Smith made a horizontal incision across the lower abdomen to allow him to tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess tissue. To enhance her breasts he also did a breast lift, creating a fuller shape that would look more natural and right for her body.

In this patient's post-operative photographs you can see that the results of her two procedures have restored proportionality as well as a more youthful figure. Dr. Smith's breast lift, breast reduction of her right breast and abdominoplasty patients typically recover quickly, and this patient will continue to see her tummy tuck results appear flatter and firmer as her skin tightens to fit her slimmer shape. This woman is already very pleased with the improvements she sees as a result of her plastic surgery, and additional healing time will likely further increase her satisfaction.

Patient Age: 57

Contact Andrew Smith, MD FACS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Irvine, Orange County to schedule your consultation.

113 Waterworks Way, Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92618

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