Case #1078
This 23-year-old woman wanted breast implants from an experienced Orange County plastic surgeon. Unhappy with her A-cup bra size, she made an appointment with Dr. Smith to find out if a bilateral breast augmentation procedure would help her make the changes she wanted to see. Dr. Smith explained her options, and after considering the pros and cons of both saline and silicone-gel implants, she decided to opt for saline.
Dr. Smith began surgery by making an incision in the armpit. This is a popular incision choice among many women because it creates no postsurgical scarring on the outside of the breast itself, and the scars in the armpits tend to be difficult to notice. Dr. Smith placed the 350cc implants submuscularly, so that the upper portion of the implant was covered by the pectoralis muscle. When the implants were in place, Dr. Smith closed and bandaged the incisions, and the patient began the healing process.
This woman healed very nicely. She now she fills a C-cup bra, and her breasts have a very nice look for her body – noticeably rounder, but not so large that they look out of balance with her body. They balance each other beautifully, and give her physique a curvier, more feminine look that she finds very flattering. She is very satisfied with her Orange County breast augmentation procedure.
Patient Age: 23
Patient Gender: Female
Implant Size Left: 365 cc
Implant Size Right: 365 cc
Implant Placement: Submuscular
Implant Contents: Saline Implants
Implant Shape: Round
Breast Incision Type: Transaxillary
Cup Size Before: B
Cup Size After: C
Contact Andrew Smith, MD FACS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Irvine, Orange County to schedule your consultation.