Case #864
32 year old female with three children who is dissatisfied with the appearance of her breasts. She sought correction for the lack of upper pole breast fullness. In addition, she is an athlete and would like to look better in her swimsuit and sports bra. She had Allergan 371 cc midrange profile (Style 15) implants placed by an infra-mammary incision on both sides. The implants were placed under the pectoral muscle using a dual plane technique. Her preoperative cup size was a 34 B and the implants took her to a full C cup. She is thrilled with her results and is stilla ble to maintain a healthy lifestyle and workout regimen.
Patient Age: 32
Patient Gender: Female
Implant Size Left: 371 cc
Implant Size Right: 371 cc
Implant Placement: Submuscular
Implant Contents: Liquid Silicone Implants
Implant Shape: Round
Breast Incision Type: Inframammary
Cup Size Before: B
Cup Size After: C
Contact Andrew Smith, MD FACS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Irvine, Orange County to schedule your consultation.