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Breast Revision
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Patient Details

Case #589

40 year old female who had a previous breast augmentation and was very unhappy with her result. She had a saline subglandular augmentation and her implants have resulted in severe rippling and her implants have ended up under her arms. She has a lack of central fullness and her implants end up on her side when she lays down. We did a breast augmentation revision with a complex surgical approach. A switch to larger silicone gel implants along with a pocket change to subpectoral was done. The pocket change utilized AlloDerm® dermal matrix to define the pocket and reduce rippling postoperatively. This resulted in a dramatic improvement and has almost completely eliminated her rippling.

Patient Age: 40
Patient Gender: Female
Implant Size Left: 421 cc
Implant Size Right: 421 cc
Implant Placement: Submuscular
Implant Contents: Liquid Silicone Implants
Implant Shape: Round
Breast Incision Type: Circumareolar
Cup Size Before: C
Cup Size After: D

Contact Andrew Smith, MD FACS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Irvine, Orange County to schedule your free consultation.

113 Waterworks Way, Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92618

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