After losing a great deal of weight, having children or losing skin elasticity through age, many people find that the skin on their abdomen, buttocks and thighs isn’t as firm and smooth as it used to be.
Often, the skin becomes so stretched that no amount of diet and exercise can restore the look of their lower bodies. If you want to improve the look of any or all of these trouble spots, choosing a body lift in Orange County can give you more than just a new look: it can give you new confidence.
If you want to restore the look of your lower body after pregnancy or major weight loss in Orange County, the best way to learn about your unique options is to request a surgical consultation with Dr. Andrew Smith, a board-certified plastic surgeon. Call our office in Irvine or Corona at (949)-653-7000.
The best candidates for body lift surgery are healthy and near or at their ideal weight.
If you are planning on losing a significant amount of weight or plan on becoming pregnant in the near future, it may be best for you to wait since fluctuations in weight can greatly affect your results. During your consultation for a body lift Irvine plastic surgeon Dr. Smith will decide if you are a good candidate for the procedure after assessing your medical history, health and concerns.
A thorough assessment of your particular skin elasticity and the amount of excess skin and excess fat you have will determine much of Dr. Smith’s approach to your surgery. No two patients will have the same concerns, so Dr. Smith will carefully asses your needs and concerns and develop an individualized plan for your surgery.
The incision for a body lift is similar to the incision for a tummy tuck or buttock lift alone but circles all the way around the patient’s hips, usually below the swimsuit line. After he makes the incision, Dr. Smith first tightens any muscles that have been stretched and then removes and lifts the desired sections of your lower body, sometimes combining the procedure with liposuction to remove excess fat and improve your results.
The procedure takes several hours to complete and is typically performed under general anesthesia. Once he has sculpted your thighs, abdomen, and buttocks, he closes the incision and you are sent to recovery.
Because the surgery is extensive, Irvine body lift patients typically have an overnight stay in the hospital before being discharged. Once they leave the hospital, they are able to recover in the comfort of their own homes.
Soreness and swelling will be controlled with prescription pain medication after your stay to make your recovery more comfortable. To keep swelling to a minimum, patients are required to wear a compression garment and will have drains for the first week after surgery.
For the first 1 to 3 weeks, patients should avoid certain activities that may strain the body to promote proper healing during the recovery period. Regular check-ups will ensure that your recovery is comfortable and uneventful.
Like tummy tuck, thigh lift and arm lift procedures, the main risks for body lift include swelling, bruising, bleeding, infection, and numbness or change in feeling.
Most patients experience some swelling and bruising after surgery, but this fades within the first few weeks and is minimized by the use of a compression garment. Proper postoperative care and hygiene can help prevent risks such as infection and bleeding after surgery.
Contact Andrew Smith, MD FACS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Irvine, Orange County to schedule your consultation.