(949)-653-7000 Appointment

Capsular Contracture
in Irvine, CA

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Most women never have complications with their breast augmentation or implants. At his Orange County practice, Dr. Andrew Smith specializes in making things right for those women who do experience problems, such as capsular contracture.

This is when the normal capsule of scar tissue around the implant begins to harden and contract, often squeezing and displacing the implant. It is the most common breast augmentation complication, and can cause visible deformity and discomfort. When you’re experiencing any breast augmentation complication, it’s especially important to choose your surgeon carefully.

What is capsular contracture?

After breast augmentation surgery, the body naturally creates a thin layer of tissue around the implants. This tissue, called the capsule, varies in consistency between patients and even between each of a patient’s breasts. In cases of capsular contracture, the tissue thickens and tightens around the implant causing discomfort and a distorted breast appearance.

When you’re experiencing any breast augmentation complications, it’s especially important to choose your surgeon carefully. Dr. Andrew Smith has years of experience performing complex revision procedures for Riverside and Orange County breast augmentation patients whose implants need correction.

Irvine Capsular Contracture

What causes capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture can affect one or both breasts. Most cases occur within a few weeks to a year of the original surgery; some cases occur years later. The cause of capsular contracture remains unclear. The condition is thought to be an immune system response in which the body rejects the implant and forms a barrier around it.

The following risk factors are associated with capsular contracture:

  • Bacterial contamination of the implant
  • Breast infection
  • Ruptured implant
  • Build-up of blood around the implant (hematoma)
  • Subglandular placement of the implant
Irvine Plastic Surgeon

When you choose Dr. Smith, you’re choosing a breast specialist who:

  • Is the Chief of the Subsection of Plastic Surgery at Saddleback Memorial Medical Center
  • Is one of the top surgeons in Orange County for complex breast revisions and reconstructions
  • Has performed thousands of breast surgeries during his 15+ years of surgical experience

Dr. Andrew Smith has years of experience performing complex revision procedures for Riverside and Orange County breast augmentation patients whose implants need correction. Request a surgical consultation online to meet with Dr. Smith at one of his 3 locations. You can also call his office at (949)-653-7000 to schedule an appointment.

How can capsular contracture be prevented?

It’s difficult to predict who will be affected by capsular contracture. Because the cause of capsular contracture isn’t entirely clear, it can’t be completely prevented. The chances may be greatly reduced when your surgery is performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. The following factors have been found to minimize the risks:

  • Washing the breast pocket and implant with an antibiotic solution
  • Placing the implants under the chest muscle
  • Using textured implants
  • Choosing cohesive silicone gel implants over saline or other types of silicone
  • Inserting the implants without direct contact using the Keller Funnel™
  • Performing implant massage after surgery as directed
  • Taking oral antibiotics after the breast augmentation procedure and prior to any dental surgery
Capsular Contracture

What are my treatment options?

In general, capsular contracture must be corrected with surgery. Irvine capsular contracture surgery provider Dr. Smith will recommend the method that will provide the most attractive results and minimize the possibility of recurrence. Options include:

  • Performing a capsulotomy to release or remove a portion of the thickened capsule
  • Performing a capsulectomy to surgically remove the thickened capsule
  • Reinforcing the implant pocket with an acellular dermal matrix

Most women opt to exchange their implants when they undergo capsular contracture surgery, however some women choose to have them removed and not replaced. In either case, revision surgery is more complex than the initial breast augmentation, and recovery may be slightly longer.

Contact Andrew Smith, MD FACS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Irvine, Orange County to schedule your consultation.

113 Waterworks Way, Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92618

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