(949)-653-7000 Appointment

Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
in Irvine, CA

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Some children and even adults struggle with having large, protruding ears, which can be the source of embarrassment.

For men, women and children seeking ear surgery (otoplasty) in Orange County, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Smith can make the experience comfortable and beneficial. No matter your age, Dr. Smith will work with you to achieve your goals.

If you live in or around Orange County and have ear surgery questions, request a surgical consultation with Dr. Smith, or call our Irvine and Corona plastic surgery offices at (949)-653-7000.

What Ear Surgery Can Do for You

Adults with prominent ears often remember being teased as a child for this condition. Women will often avoid wearing their hair down, but men have fewer options. The typical Otoplasty candidate seeks to correct:

  • Large ears
  • Ears that stand out from the head
  • Asymmetrical ears

Children may be candidates for an otoplasty after the ears have grown, which is usually after about 6 years of age.

otoplasty Irvine

Your Surgery

This is a straightforward procedure that involves reshaping the ear cartilage. Irvine otoplasty provider Dr. Smith uses an incision made in the crease behind the ear, then pulls the ear back toward the head.

Stitches are used to hold the ear in position as it heals into its new shape. If ear cartilage needs a greater degree of reshaping, Dr. Smith may need to place an additional incision inside the ear.

Adults often choose to have this procedure using local anesthesia with sedation, however children are often most comfortable under general anesthesia. At Andrew Smith MD FACS in Irvine ear surgery is performed on an outpatient basis at our on-site surgical center.

Irvine Plastic Surgeon

Your Recovery and Beyond

A dressing will remain in place for the first few days after surgery to help hold the ear in place and prevent swelling.

Sleeping you’re your head elevated is recommended for the first several days after surgery. The dressing will be removed at your first office visit and usually only a headband will be required at night after that. Recovery usually takes only 1 to 2 weeks. It can take some time for swelling to decrease and for the final result to be seen.

Contact Andrew Smith, MD FACS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Irvine, Orange County to schedule your consultation.

113 Waterworks Way, Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92618

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